Pastor W.f kumuyi message to the churches

Pastor W.f kumuyi message to the churches


I slept around 10:20pm, not quite long after laying on the bed, I heard God calling Me Audibly So I Woke Up. When I Checked My Time, It Was 11:30P.M. Suddenly, I Felt The Urge To Pray So I Left The Bedroom To The sitting room & started Praying._
_All Of A Sudden, My Eyes Opened And I Was In Another Realm. I Saw An Array Of Ladies Both Young And Old, Very Beautiful, Coming From The Sea Side. And I Asked God; Who Are These?_ And He Said, _*"These Are Marine Spirits That Have Been Commissioned By The Devil To Drag Many To The Kingdom Of Darkness. His Time Is Almost Up And He Has Vowed To Cause Many To Fall"*_. I Asked, Why Women? He Responded, _*"They Are Not Really Women But Are Evil Spirits That Have Taken A Feminine Form."*_

_So I Asked; What Is Their Mission And He Said, See! All Of A Sudden I Saw, People Having Sex. What Amazed Me Was That Some Were Having Sex By The Wayside, Some In Bushes, Some On Beaches, Some In Offices And In Open Places. So, I Asked Why?_  And He Said _*"These Are Sent To Spread Lust And Cause Many To Fall Into The Sin Of Fornication."*_ He Said, *"Very Soon, Fornication Will Be Legalized."*

*"The Spirits Are Meant To Befriend Many Young Ladies, Show Them Care And Eventually Initiate Them To Be Used By The Enemy."* _I Saw Many Young Ladies. Unsuspecting Ladies Being Initiated And As Soon As They Were Initiated, They Had An Insatiable Desire For Sex._

_I Also Saw Sugar Mummies Luring Young Men With Money And Cars. Right After Sleeping With Them, They Are Gone._

_I Saw New Dresses Being Introduced. Dresses That Expose All Parts Of The Body. In Fact, I Saw A Very Fair Lady That Was Almost Naked. About 3 Quarter Of Her Breast Was Exposed And The Dress She Wore Was Very Transparent That One Could Virtually See Her Nakedness. Then I Saw Many People Buying These Dresses; Skimpy Short Skirts And Transparent Leggings And Blouses That Expose The Cleavage. Bleaching Of The Skin Was On The Rise. I Saw Them Pouring Potions On The Eye To Lure Men With Their Eyes_.

*"Tell The Church To Watch"*, He Said. *"They Will Try To Enter The Church, Target Pastors And Members,  Especially From Choirs."* _I Saw Members Of The Church Being Possessed And Sleeping With Each Other_.

_*Amazingly,*_ _I Saw Two Ladies In A Particular Choir That Were Lesbians. Then I Saw Men Of God Sleeping With Members. Some Slept With Members Before They Mounted Pulpits._

_I Saw That Pastors Are Battling Within Because There Is Not Just A Crack But An Opening On The Wall. Satan Has Entered Their Lives. Some Were Caught In The Web Of Pornography And Masturbation._

_In Fact, I Saw A Particular Pastor Watching Pornography And Masturbating In His Room. To Him The Room Was Locked And He Thought No One Was Seeing Him But I Saw That The Wall To His Room Facing The Public Was Broken And People Were Watching Him Without His Knowledge. And God Said To Me_ *"Whatever Is Being Done In Secret Is Already Open."*

_I Also Saw Women Becoming Unsubmissive And Disrespectful To Their Husbands And This Act Frustrated Husbands To Fall Prey To These Spirits When They Left Home._

_I Saw Many Being Manipulated Through Food And Clothes. And I Saw Many Chains As Well. And He Said To Me,_ *"These Are Chains Of Addiction That Has Kept Many People In Sexual Bondage."*

_Some Women Were Showering Enchanted Gifts To Pastors And Were Gradually Changing Their Status._

*"Tell My People To Stay Within The Boundaries Of My Word. Let Them Not Depart From Them. Tell Them To Watch And Pray. Let Them Be Focused On Me And This Will Help Them Avoid Every Distraction Of The Enemy."*

Believed It Or Not, Accept It Or Not.
You Can Be In Deeper Life Bible Church And Your Life Can Still Be Shallow And Deep In Sin.*_

_*You Can Attend The Redeemed Christian Church Of God And Yet Your Life Remains Unredeemed.*_

_*You Can Be A Member Of Winner's Chapel And Still Be A Slave Of Sin, Fulfilling All It's Lusts Till You Die.*_

_*You Can Be In Mountain Of Fire Ministries And Your Life Is Still In The Valley Of Lukewarmness And Spiritual Coldness.*_

_*You Can Be Among The Salvation Army And Still Suffer Defeat; Not Knowing What It Means To Be Saved From Sin*_.

_*You Can Be In Christ Embassy And Still Be Working Directly As Satan's Immoral Ambassador In His Evil Embassy.*_

_*You Can Be In Dunamis And Yet You Remain Powerless Spiritually, Lacking Basic Grace!*_

_*You Can Attend The Lord's Chosen Church And Yet Be Among The Rejected Many.*_

_*You Can Speak In Tongues And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can "Win Souls" And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can See Vision And Miss Heaven*_.

_*You Can Cast Out Devil And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Perform Miracles And Still Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Read The Whole Bible And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Attend All Fellowship Activities And Camp meetings And Miss Heaven.*_

_*You Can Have Anointing And Miss Heaven*_.

_*You Can Have All Spiritual Gifts And Miss Heaven*_.

_You Can Wield Power And Unction And Still Miss Heaven._



_Thanks For Your Attention._
_Forwarding This Post Is Evangelism_.
_Please Take A Part In It And Forward To Contacts Or Groups[truncated by WhatsApp]



What is the gospel that we all want, you want it and I want it, the whole while world want it then this gospel must be an expensive diamond that shines so bright.

1.      MONEY
2.      LOVE

We all need money, we all need to love and we all need to get laid. These three things are beautiful things when it comes to worldly life and to enjoy life then you need it. But we all forget to remember as beautiful as they sound they are weapon of massive destruction to humanity this 3 things can make you loose your soul despite the fact you gain the whole while world.  Now you’re curious, about to ask me how, let’s talk about money.

MONEY: - money answereth all things; sure, can money give you life? Can money buys you happiness? Can money buy you true love? Can money wash your sins away? Then if money can’t do all these things then why are you so desperate in getting it. You want to ride the latest sport car, build a castle, travel the whole world, and in fact own a private jet. Is that why you murder your brother for money? Is that life worthy of living that you have to become a fraudster by duping your neighbor to get the money, the one God says you should love as yourself, come to think of it why are you not afraid of God’s judgment, how will you feel if someone dupe you and run away? Do you remember you’re going to die someday will your private jet take you to heaven, or your money will take God away from his throne definitely all what you’ve are invaluable treasure. The scripture says you should keep your treasure where your heart is where thief will never steal it from you. No son or family will inherit it. All of that doesn’t count in front of God but what does count is your righteousness, God want you to show that virtue in you to people God will not give you money that will oppress your neighbor. Even though you want the money as God and inherit it with pure heart and enslave yourself to righteousness.

LOVE: - love is powerful, sweet and wonderful. I wonder why people turn this precious four letter words into something difficult and unbearable, many people have different explanation for love but I will say my God is love. For someone that creates heaven and earth and accommodates many creatures on it without receiving any dime, or for someone that sacrifices is only begotten son to save the world from sin. Despite the fact he do this from the unconditional love he has for me and you, he has for noting in return than to serve him and praise is holy name. If is me or you that has the power to do this entire thing, by now my account should be unpredictable.
Youth of nowadays my question for you is this what have you turn love into something you can joke with and let go at anytime you wish, do you know how much it takes to love and you know how hurtful is it to let go. Definitely if you have love in your heart then you won’t want to let go of it no matter how wrongly this love might cost you. but this generations of ours we do say one thing in common I love him or her before but now I don’t love him or her, that is not love is feelings because all you see is one special thing about that person that makes you want to die for him or her and if that special thing fade then your love will fade now tell me is that love. Look at the unconditional love our God has for us despite the fact we hurt him in many ways, his reputation, we dishonor is name, he still see us as his child as someone that is lost not yet being found, no matter how will hurt God, still he want to be there for us. To me that is, what they call love because he hurt God a lot to abandon his own child. Loving someone is not about letting that person go is about been there for that person.

SEX AND CLUBBING: - sex is the greatest feeling on earth as everyone know and sex is also the slow and the mightiest killer that you need to take note as well, many things are stolen away through sex, also many life is destroyed through sex as well as most marriages. All I will say is be careful and take caution in every thing you engage in.


1) *You must accept that you're a victim*

*Sometimes, we try to justify ourselves... You may lie to all but not to yourself!!!*


Stop kinda trying to make it look like you don't always mean it, although you may be right but if you want to be saved agree you're a victim!!!

*Agree and trust God for Grace*

2) *Identify the source of the problem*

Sorry, I might be talking intensively on masturbation! 🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂

*To some, secular songs and videos brought about the urge*

*Even well meaning movies sometimes do, the prohibited or violent parts keep bringing up the urge*

*Sometimes, Honestly even messages like this too, you'll be surprised that I'm saying the truth that's why I said, if you're not a victim in any form you should not follow up*


*It's a nice teaching, Knowledge is good... God saves baby t remember Satan's System(Babylon) also take advantage of this messages and inject some people with it*

*Some people's own are probably family related... Almost everybody in the family had that problem (the father and sons, all love women and otherwise)*


Lemme show you another mystery 👇

If you stay with friends that Masturbate, it will have effect on you, you may never know he/she does but it's like an air-borne disease

*Some people were actually abused when they were little, and so the demon of Sex entered them but since they gave their lives to Christ, they fear having Sex and so to satisfy themselves privately they excuse themselves to Masturbate to relief themselves of the tension that come as a result of the urge for sex*

*Some people's source is the fact that they love flexing around the opposite sex (Sometimes, I used to wonder what ladies see in men that they lust after them🤷🏻‍♂probably it's because I'm a man), they may be well meaning and just normal people infact fireful set of people but you notice as a guy you're always attracted to see what's in the cleavages*


*I taught you last year that as men, you ain't supposed to leave your body open(Chest), I discovered that it turns many girls on(Now Babylon is happy, a stupid person will now use this information as an advantage)*

*Honestly speaking, I'm not saying it's a sin or bad o... (Probably, that's my nature - Sometimes being alone with my Undies(Singlet and boxers make me feel ashamed, I run each time I see girls) , I went to a boarding school (those who went will understand, how the hostel always be like), except I'm just too tired, lazy or over-hot, you'll hardly see me without a singlet but if you see me with my boxer even as a guy probably I had to rush to get something (I must pur on a shot) ... I'm aware of gays*

My body use to turn some guys up 🙆🏻‍♂... I'll just see them going towards the toilet... Only me grab🤷🏻‍♂

Before I continue 👇👇👇

*I'm very very sorry the Christmas cow 🐄 I bought so we can celebrate 🎉 ours here got loosed and ran away😰*


*I wanted to rush this topic, so we can finish other series quickly... Our days on the platform are numbered*


*But I see a reason, why I must take my time on this... Probably we'll dwell on this point very well tonight!!!*

*Who would believe, I'm just a Song Minister🤷🏻‍♂*

*I only minister to myself and my Siblings, except students(Burning Youths) no external ministrations*

My Passion for songs make me Worship anyhow regardless of how Sacred and serious a teaching may be... 😋

🎤🎼 *You reign forever, your name is ELOHIM, you are the Wisdom before time began! You reign forever your name is ever great, you are the Wisdom before time began* 🎼


🎤🎼 *Jesus is more than enough for me×4... Take the stage and take the Crowd, Jesus is more than enough for... Take the fame and take the shouts, Jesus is more than enough for me*🎼



Lemme come back... I'm already tempted to change Realm


*#Identify #the #Source #of #your #problem*

*Plucking out the fruits of a bad tree with bare hands won't terminate the tree from reproducing*

*To stop the production of such kind of fruits, you must cut off completely the entire tree*


*Some people's own came as a result of false doctrine*

Yes... It's true 

*They tell you Masturbation and pornography isn't a sin, and they create demonic theories telling you that God Intentionally put the sexual urge in man(True), so he understands if you fall meanwhile it's not clearly written(false)*

*O ye foolish, uncivilized humans, who has bewitched you???*


*Have Ye not read???*

*Must you chew everything given to you???*

*Do you still attend that church{Jer 13:10} ???*

*Where Jezebel is the pastor's wife, Delilah is the Choirmistress, Demas is the leader of the prophetic group, Achan is the deacon, Esau is the senior Counselor, Absalom is the youth pastor, Judas is the pastor???*


*Where your Sins are pampered, where they tell you, you're forever saved just by mere confession, where the teaching always is you're God's righteousness there's nothing like sin, where you're taught of purgatory???*


*Time is running out, Who has bewitched you???*



This is someone's problem here... So it has destroyed your mentality and you think it's cool doing it!

*Lemme tell you a secret you may never believe... If you think you can hide your Identity at the background, I bet you, you're allowing Satan deceive you!!!*

See... 👇👇👇

*No captor frees a captive just like that or by a mere part-time seriousness... Until Satan sees the whole of your desire and bitterness and mad attempts/actions for freedom*

Ask Pharaoh... He can relate... 



You've seen people openly on a wide platform say it, out that they're victims of Masturbation and you look at them saying... "They're foolish" yes they're...

 *#There's a #Mystery in #Foolishness before God that brings freedom and answered prayers/heart desires*

It just mean that you've not being ripped of your pride and Ego


*I discovered that three things drove me into porn and masturbation!*

Although, I didn't go deep, and I was never consistent... It was just anyhow but I had to accept being a victim else I'd have remained there!

*#Pursuit #for #knowledge*

Yes... Pursuit for knowledge... You heard me well!

I could browse and browse my life... I could lecture even a General in how to control his army, there was nothing good or new that I wouldn't deep into

Any website I saw or hear about, I'll check for something from it...

*I know that something is bad ooo, but still I'll want to know why people are rushing it... So I'll try to see it*

So one day... I was in SS3 then, it was as if I was a magnet, any room I pack to, becomes a room where all other mates gather and misbehave, gist rubbish, gather and watch Erotic movies laughing and saying rubbish (sometimes, I'll just smile, walk out of the room or lock myself up in a little room called box-room)


I never knew, the demon was contagious(I learnt that mystery there and in those times)... So I started feeling like why not see what they even enjoy from it... 🤦🏻‍♂🙆🏻‍♂🙆🏻‍♂🙆🏻‍♂

Although, I never attempted to, because of my Ego and stuff but Satan was already sowing a seed but I didn't realize quickly to ban it...!

So one day, during night prep, I heard some junior students discussing about a website and they were kinda laughing and you know stuff like that! 

So I was eager to get home 🏠 to try the website 😭🙆🏻‍♂

Then I had no phone, someone dashed me a Nokia 200 phone... 

*Babylon planned it well...!!!*

Lo and behold what I saw at my first site made me switch of my phone... Remove the Ba3 and fix it on a "universal charger"


Now listen the eye... Is a strong weapon.... Fear it!!!(The lust of the eye) 

The next two days, I gathered liver to see what's up.. And I was *#trapped in #oblivion*!!!

I struggled but all to no avail!

So at that time, I never couldn't masturbate meanwhile I wasn't even deep in the video stuff... 

But I realized that when we go for prayers in school, some of the ex-executives that come to visit us always lay hands on us... (Impartation)

Remember, things are legally done in the Spirit Realm!!! 

As they were impacting prayer spirits, Babylon was also transferring lust and masturbation and other deficiencies in them. 

*Be careful who you give your body(head) to lay hands on!!!*

*As a minister, please fear laying of hands, if you're aware of some deficiencies in you...*

*I wonder what those Judas laid hands on would be like*

😏 😅🤔

Kidding jare

*So I started having the urge to try it*

I struggled not too

Then I began to see myself in dreams(I learnt mine from dreams) . indeed it was a battle but I was too blind to notice at that point.... *You see the power of impartation???*

*Some got these demons from or through impartations trust me and I'm not been critical, I believe in the laying of hands👌🏻💯*

The day, one of them came and shared how he was saved... I then knew that was the reason but I was too blind to pray over that area...

So the next time the urge came and I was struggling guess what Babylon(Borrower) did??? 

*"Since He did it and escaped it, why don't you try it... You can also escape it... Just have a taste of how it feels"* and Satan won

That's why I never wanted to teach on this! 

He can set an advantage at any level of this teaching... That's why I'm taking my time to tell you these, else you don't need it... But I'm not ignorant anymore!!!

Lemme begin to round up...

Stress(Tension) also, facilitate this sexual urge... 

Yes... It does!

*Probably time was up, and you were rushes to submit your paper, you're shaking and stuff, and the examiner carried your paper... That tension brings that urge*

Please relax yourself... Run away from stress and scary scenes!

#I'm #only #helping #you #discover #yours!

So, due to my fame, funny and probably sweet life... I was loved by many.... Honestly,  more of the opposite sex... (Including the Muslims and to crown it all... My fellow female executives)

I was too tempted.... Till today, how I escape to be a virgin is still a mystery to me!!! 


Girls everywhere... Even when I was a junior student (Senior girls), I became a senior (mates) and worst of all (juniors students)... 

Only me and a few knew

After an encounter with one of the female executives... And God saved me... 🤔

I knew I was in a big time trouble... So I started avoiding girls, annoying them Intentionally but it became worst (even the ones hiding there feelings were now opening up), Is it brcause you inow i like you, that you are treating me this way??? 🙆🏻‍♂🙆🏻‍♂🙆🏻‍♂

Note: *My tongues were becoming stronger,  Greater works and healings, my voice became more 😍*

But Babylon 🤔🤔🤔

*That was when I learnt that "#Mastorbe" the demon behind it don't fear anointing!!!*

*Some people are already identifying their problems, while others are receiving their deliverances*


So, the female excos started complaining in one of the meetings that I was forming, feeling myself and stuff!!!

And I told them... I can remember clearly 


*"I'm only doing this to save some ladies"*

I couldn't tell people how some excos literally seduced me... 

Only I knew... Today... Presido... You've known!!!

And, I started spending most of my time in the dark field crying (real tears)  Lord Save me!

*See, there's a price for being famous and loved ooo(I mean after being famous) you must be extra careful!!!*

*I started going down in my academics, yet I was flowing in complete "Spirit of Revelation"*

I became a fasting Giant, I was healing the sick (by YAHWEH's Grace and power... 

But Babylon (The borrower of great men) 🤔🤔🤔

*It never affected my Spiritual life... Because I was very sensitive to stuff that will attack me in that form and it got a new way*


When it came... I started running away from leading prayers, and sermons(but if forced, the "Spirit of Revelation" will work)...  And that was how I started regaining consciousness... That I've gone too far!!!

Tomorrow we'll go into other areas... 

I believe someone is blessed!!!

Now lemme strictly warn you... Fathers and mothers in the Lord!!! 

*If you give room for dishonor because of this!!! Trust me you'll only be doing yourself a big time harm...*

I'm not ignorant of Satan's tricky ways... And you too shouldn't be!!!

🎤🎼 *If there's one thing I ask of you my Savior, it's not the stage and not the Crowd and not the Mic  but this Holy journey Lord with you my Lover, just know you and to Love you my groom*

*Hossana... Hossana... Hossana in the highest... Hossana we proclaim that you are ye ➖➖➖Hosanna... Hossana... Hossana in the highest... Hossana we proclaim that you are God*🎼

Thank you Father for tonight... We ask that you plant a seed of purification in us in Jesus name... Amen!!!

Please do have a good night rest!!! 



Prayer is the key


● "I would rather teach one man to pray than ten men to preach."  

- *Charles Spurgeon*

● "The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history."  

- *Andrew Murray*

 ● "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."  

- *Oswald Chambers*

● "There is no other activity in life so important as that of prayer. Every other activity depends upon prayer for its best efficiency."  

- *M.E. Andross*

● "He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day."  - *John Bunyan*

● "Prayer is not learned in a classroom but in the closet." - *E. M. Bounds*

● "We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring it's power down to earth."

 - *Andrew Murray*

● "Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His' voice in the depth of our hearts."  

- *Mother Teresa*

● "Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done." 

- *C.S. Lewis*

● "The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you worry. You'll feel more patient and less pressured." 

- *Rick Warren*

 ● "I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer." 

- *Martin Luther*

 ● "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."  

- *Oswald Chambers*

● "He who kneels the most, stands the best."  

- *D.L. Moody*  


PRAYER IS THE MASTER KEY . Let us find grace on our knees.


Amazing Story Of Death



 *A man had a dream,  in that dream he saw  a lion which was chasing him. The man ran to a tree, climbed  it and sat on one of the branches. He looked down and saw that the lion was still there waiting for him.*

*The man then looked to his side where the branch he sat on was attached to the main tree and saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch.*

*One rat was black and the other one was white. He observed that very soon the branch will fall on the ground; the man then looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black snake had come and settled directly under him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall into it.*

*The man then looked up to see if there was anything  he could hold on to for him not to fall down. He then saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey were falling from it.*

*The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he pulls out his tongue to taste one of the falling drops of honey, he observed  that the honey was amazing in taste,. so he wanted to have more tastes and as a result, he got lost into the sweetness of the honey. He had forgotten about the two rats eating his branch away, the lion on the ground and the snake that was  lying right under him.*

*Suddenly when the branch broke he remembered all the dangers and woke up from his sleep. Since this was a unique dream, the man went to a man of God to know the meaning of his Dream.*

*The man of God, after prayer and meditation said, "The lion you saw is your Death. It always chases you and goes where ever you go.*

*The two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day. Black one is the night and the white one is the day.*

*They circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time as they take you closer to Death.*

*The big black snake with a dark mouth is your  Grave. It's there, just waiting for you to fall into it.*

*The honeycomb is this world and the sweet drops of honey are the luxuries of this  World.*

*We like to taste a little of the luxuries of this world and it's very sweet. Then we want to taste little more and then more. Meanwhile, we get lost into it and forget about our time, we forget about our Death and we forget about our Grave. Beloved,  this is a clarion call to preach the gospel  before it's too late,  time waits for no man,  you only have this second,  but not this minute,  not to talk of this day,  how are you sure that tomorrow is yours? What excuse would you give not to preach the Gospel,  time is not on your side,  that is no longer tenable, tell the world that the end time is near,  if you can't go to the streets to preach,  then use this medium,  use your data for the gospel and not on irrelevant issues,  Jesus said "if you are ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of you before my father in heaven and vise versa"*. 

Please send this to all your contacts now for the next minute may be too late as this might be an opportunity to win souls for Christ and save the lives of others just as I did to you. Please keep sharing,  may God bless you as you do so.

Creation: Believe it or not part 1 By Mac Arthur

* The following notes are based on the English Standard Version text of Scripture.

Well tonight, as you know if you were here this morning, I'm going to begin a new series that I've been sort of working on for a long time, a series on origins.  And I don't know how long this series is going to run exactly.  I do know that I'm going to spend a little time on an introduction and then we're going to launch right into Genesis 1:1 and take the whole account of creation verse by verse, phrase by phrase and let the Lord unfold its significance to us.

Now I want to begin with a few sort of disclaimers, if I can, a few things that maybe you need to keep in mind.  First of all, I'm not a scientist.  I don't claim to be a scientist.  Any teacher in my past whoever taught me science could stand up and testify to that fact.  I am a theologian, I am a Bible teacher, I am a part-time philosopher; but I am not a scientist.  And so, when it comes to those matters which are scientific, I have to basically move to somebody else and trust them as an authority where I am not an authority.  This will not largely be a scientific study; in fact that's not our intent at all.  But it will be a study of the Scripture, a study of theology with a little bit of rationality thrown into it.

Secondly, I will not answer every question tonight.  I know that what I don't say tonight is going to create questions.  I will get to those questions as we move through the text of Scripture.  I will deal with things like theistic evolution.  I will deal with things like day-age theory, deal with viewpoints like progressive creationism as we go along, but we'll not be able to deal with all of that tonight.  And I really do believe that you're going to find the answer to your questions about origins primarily from the text of Scripture.  The issues such as progressive creationism, theistic evolution are really answered by the text itself.  And so we're going to find our way through the text of Genesis, chapter 1 into chapter 2, and therein we're going to secure the great answers to the questions that arise about origins.

But to begin with tonight I, I want to address the concept, I want to sort of set the picture in your mind as to the debate.  This is critical for, for all of us, and it is most critical for those who are students.  If you are a junior high student, if you are a high school student, if you are a college or university student in any other than a distinctively Christian school, you are going to be given this indoctrination about evolution as if it were fact and you're going to find that what I'm going to be saying to you is contrary to just about everything you hear.  We'll set the stage for that contrast tonight, and then we'll get into the text of Scripture and see how Scripture itself addresses popular evolutionary theory.

It is also important to all of us because understanding origins in the book of Genesis is foundational to the rest of the Bible.  If Genesis, chapter 1 and chapter 2 don't tell us the truth, then why should we believe anything else in the Bible?  If it says in the New Testament that the Creator is our Redeemer, but

God is not the Creator, then maybe He's not the Redeemer either.  If it tells us in 2 Peter that God Himself will bring about an instantaneous dissolution of the entire universe as we know it, that God in a moment will uncreate everything, then that has tremendous bearing upon His power to create.  The same One who with a word can uncreate the universe is capable of creating it as quickly as He desires.

So what we believe about creation, what we believe about Genesis has implications all the way to the end of Scripture, implications with regard to the veracity and truthfulness of Scripture, implications as to the gospel, and implications as to the end of human history, all wrapped up in how we understand origins in the book of Genesis.  The matter of origins then is absolutely critical to all human thinking.  It becomes critical to how we conduct our lives as human beings.  Without an understanding of origins, without a right understanding of origins, there is no way to comprehend ourselves.  There is no way to understand humanity, as to the purpose of our existence, and as to our destiny.  If we cannot believe what Genesis says about origins, we are lost as to our purpose and our destiny.  Whether this world and its life as we know it evolved by chance, without a cause, or was created by God, has immense comprehensive implications for all of human life.

Now there basically are only two options.  You can either believe what Genesis says or not.  And that is no over simplification.  Frankly, believing in a supernatural, creative God who made everything is the only possible rational explanation for the universe, for life, for purpose and for destiny.  Now the divine equation given in the Bible, in contrast to nobody times nothing equals everything, the divine equation is found in Genesis 1:1.  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  I don't know how it could be said any more simply or more straightforwardly than that.  Either you believe God did create the heavens and the earth or you believe He did not.   Really those are the only two valid options you have.  And if you believe that God did create the heavens and the earth, then you are left with the only record of that creation, and that's Genesis 1, and you are bound to accept the text of Genesis 1 as the only appropriate and accurate description of that creative act.

So again, I say you're left really with two choices.  You either believe Genesis or you don't.  You either believe the Genesis account that God created the heavens and the earth, or you believe they somehow evolved out of random chance.  Looking at the account of Genesis 1:1 for just a brief moment; the words in that first verse are quite remarkable.  They are indicative of the incredible mind of God.  God says in that first verse everything that could have been said about creation and He says it in such few terms.  The statement is precise and concise almost beyond human composition.

A well-known scientist, a very decorated scientist named Herbert Spencer, died in 1903.  In his scientific career he had become noted for one great discovery; it was a categorical contribution that he made.  He discovered that all reality, all reality, all that exists in the universe can be contained in five categories: time, force, action, space and matter.  Herbert Spencer said everything that exists, exists in one of those categories: time, force, action, space and matter.  Nothing exists outside of those categories. That was a very astute discovery and didn't come until the nineteenth century.  Now think about that.  Spencer even listed them in that order: time, force, action, space and matter.  That is a logical sequence.  And then with that in your mind, listen to Genesis 1:1.  "In the beginning," that's time.  "God," that's force. "Created," that's action.  "The heavens," that's space. "And the earth," that's matter.  In the first verse of the Bible God said plainly what man didn't catalog until the nineteenth century.  Everything that could be said about everything that exists is said in that first verse.  Now either you believe that or you don't.  You either believe that that verse is accurate and God is the force or you believe that God is not the force that created everything.  And then you're left with chance or randomness or coincidence.

This is more than just a secondary issue.  Someone wrote a letter to the president of the Promise Keepers, and I'm not particularly singling them out except that the illustration is so clear because of the response they wrote, asking them about their stand on the creation issue.  The assistant to the president responded with this statement, quote: "You need to know that the ministry of Promise Keepers takes no stand on issues like this.  In fact we specifically try to avoid such debates.  Our efforts are designed to bring men together based on the historically essential doctrines of orthodox Christianity as represented by our Statement of Faith, or to focus on things that unite the Body of Christ, instead of those which tend to divide it.  Since different churches and individual Christians hold varying views about creation, it is one of those things we believe falls under the category of secondary doctrines, secondary doctrines such as spiritual gifts, eternal security and the rapture, etc.  In short, when it comes to subjects like creation, we believe Christians need to extend grace to each other as summed up in the statement, ‘In essentials unity and non-essentials liberty and all things charity,’" end quote.

Now that's a pretty aggressive statement about the secondary nature of a belief in the Genesis account, isn't it?  It doesn't address the issue that if you don't believe the book of Genesis, you're not believing the Bible.  I'm not trying to throw aspersions on that organization but simply to say that this is what is generally the view of the majority of Christian people.  Whether the world was created by God or evolved by chance without cause has been debated a long time.  It's been debated since Darwin.  But the debate comes down to this, either you believe the Bible or you don't.  Either you believe the book of Genesis or you don't.  And if you don't believe the book of Genesis, then what do you believe?  Well in most cases you believe in naturalistic evolution.  There would be some who would be theistic evolutionists who would say well God sort of launched it all, but then evolution took over and they would deny that the Genesis account is accurate in saying that God created in six, twenty-four-hour days.  Progressive creationists would essentially say the same thing, that creation is not, did not occur as Genesis says, but rather it was over long ages and God sort of progressively injecting Himself into the process did some creative work alongside the evolutionary process.

Those views, theistic evolution, progressive creationism, also deny the straightforward text of the book of Genesis.  So I say again, you either believe Genesis or you don't.  If you don't, you have some options.  You can be a theistic evolutionist or you can be a naturalistic evolutionist.  Among Christians there are some who are theistic evolutionists but among those who make up the unbelieving world they are naturalistic evolutionists.  And so they are left with the incredible notion that nobody times nothing equals everything.

Douglas Kelly, who has written on this subject with great insight says, "There is no doubt that the biblical vision of man as God's creature whom He made in His own image has had the most powerful effect on human dignity, on liberty, on the expansion of the rights of the individual, on political systems, on the development of medicine, on every other area of culture.  How different,” he writes, “from the humanistic viewpoint of man as merely an evolved creature, not made in God's image because there is no God.  Such a premise has enabled the Marxist totalitarian states conveniently to liquidate millions of their citizens because of the assumption that there is no transcendent person in whose image those citizens are created, no being to give those citizens a dignity and a right to exist beyond what the state determines," end quote.

This point has been explored at length by Baron Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn of Austria, who may be the century's greatest scholar on questions of liberty and totalitarianism.  He has written a very important book called Leftism Revisited: From De Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol Pot, which deals with those issues.  And in it he shows that apart from the belief that mankind is created in the image of a transcendent God, the divinely derived dignity and liberty of human beings completely disappears.  He says, "For the genuine materialists there is no fundamental, only a gradual evolutionary difference between a man and a pest, a noxious insect," end quote.  And his conclusion is: The issue is between man created in the image of God and the termite in human form.  He's right.  We have two options.  Either we evolved out of the slime and can be explained only in a materialistic sense, meaning that we are made of nothing but the material, or we have been created by God and made in His image in a heavenly pattern.  And the debate is not just biological, that's what I'm trying to say, it's not just biological, it's moral and it's spiritual.  The debate gets to questions about man's dignity, about man's nature in the image of the heavenly pattern, the image of God.  It asks questions about the issue of control, who is sovereign in the universe, who is in control.  It asks: Is there a universal judge?  Is there a universal moral law?  Is there a lawgiver?  Are people to live according to God's standard?  Will there be a final assessment of how men and women live?  Is there a final judgment?

You see, these are the questions that evolution was invented to avoid.  Evolution was invented to kill the God of the Bible, not because evolutionists and materialists and naturalists didn't like God as creator, but because they didn't want God as judge.  Evolution was invented in order to kill the God of the Bible, to eliminate the lawgiver, to eliminate the inviolability of His law, the binding standard for human thought and conduct.  Evolution was invented to do away from universal morality and universal guilt and universal accountability.  Evolution was invented to eliminate the judge and leave people free to do whatever they want without guilt and without consequences.

I mean, if we just kind of summed up these two alternatives, the materialistic view would say: Ultimate reality is impersonal matter.  No God exists.

The Christian view says: Ultimate reality is an infinite, personal, loving God.

The materialistic view says: The universe is created by chance, without any ultimate purpose.

The Christian view says: The universe was lovingly created by God for a specific purpose.

The materialistic view says: Man is the product of impersonal time, plus chance, plus matter.  As a result, no man has eternal value or dignity or any meaning other than that which is subjectively derived.

The Christian view says: Man was created by God in His image and is loved by God.  Because of this all men are endowed with eternal value and dignity.  Their value is not derived ultimately from themselves, but from the source transcending themselves; God Himself.

The materialistic view of morality says:  Morality is defined by every individual according to his own views and interests.  Morality is ultimately relative because every person is the final authority for his own views.

The Christian view says: Morality is defined by God and immutable because it is based on God's unchanging, holy character.

The materialistic view says about the afterlife: The afterlife brings eternal annihilation, or personal extinction, for everyone.

The Christian view says: The afterlife involves either eternal life with God or eternal separation from Him; either the glories of heaven, or the terrors of hell.

Now, folks, let me tell you something.  Which of those views you take is not a secondary issue; it is a primary issue, not only for science but for theology.  How in the world can Christianity view those as secondary issues?  This is the foundation of all truth.  Francis Schaeffer, the apologist, said if he had an hour to spend with a person on an airplane, a person who didn't know the Lord, he would spend the first fifty-five minutes talking about man being created in the image of God, and the last five minutes on the presentation of the gospel of salvation that could restore man to that original intended image.  Christianity does not begin with accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.  Christianity begins in Genesis 1:1.  God created the heavens and the earth for a purpose and destiny which He Himself had determined.  Understanding and believing the doctrine of creation in the book of Genesis is foundational in accepting, listen carefully, that the Holy Bible is to be taken seriously when it speaks to the real world.

People say, "Well, the book of Genesis is myth and legend and fantasy and allegory and tradition, doesn't really speak about real facts to the real world."  Yes it does.  The Word of God is to be taken seriously when it speaks to the real world on any and every subject.  If we avoid dealing with what the Bible says about the creation of the material universe, then there is a tendency for our religion to be disconnected from the real world.  There's a tendency to put Scripture into some mystical category, to put Christianity into some stained glass closet, as Douglas Kelly puts it, that doesn't impact the space-time world.

You start out with the book of Genesis, tampering with the literal nature of that text and you have created a mystical approach to Scripture at the very launch point.  The Scottish theologian James Denney made this point in the late 1890s. I quote, "The separation of the religious and the scientific means, in the end, the separation of the religious and the true, and this means religion dies among true men."  You can't pick up the book of Genesis, take chapter 1 and say this is a fairy story, this is not real history, this is not reality, this does not reflect a real understanding of the real world in real space and real time, without severe implications to the rest of the message of Scripture.  The doctrine of creation as identified in the book of Genesis is foundational.  It is where God starts His story.  And you can't change the beginning without impacting the rest of the story and the ending.  In the Bible, God speaks, and He speaks in Genesis 1:1 and says He created the heavens and the earth.  He is the one who spoke in Genesis 1:1 and who speaks right through Scripture till its very end.

When you tamper with Genesis 1 you are tampering with the Word of the living God and you are taking the divine account of real creation in real space and real time and you're saying, it is not accurate, it is not legitimate, it is not the truth.  That is a serious assault.  And it loosens up the Scripture from reality and divorces religion, the true religion, from reality.  That is severe.  So evolution would love to do that.  It would love to ungod God, it would love to strip Scripture of its veracity.  It wants to reject God as lawgiver, judge, Savior.  It wants to destroy the dignity of man as created in the image of God.  And it gets pretty ridiculous, doesn't it?  According to evolution man is quantitatively better than the animals.  That is, he has some features that animals don't have, but qualitatively he's not better.  He has a bigger brain quantitatively but qualitatively he was not created in God's image.  Therefore it is ethically wrong to violate the rights of other animals who are our literal brothers, evolutionarily speaking.

And we hear all that today, don't we, all the time?  That infamous organization called PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, their national director, Ingrid Newkirk, made this famous statement, "A rat is a pig is a boy,” “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy."  No difference.  All higher forms of life (a rat being a higher form of life in her view) are to be considered equal.  We have a funny organization called The Church of Euthanasia, believes that animal rights are superior to human rights.  A representative from that organization, he told a TV audience, a national audience, and I quote: "If we're going to kill off species, let's kill humanity first because humans are only a minor species with a minor role to play in the overall diversity of nature," end quote.

And you've read it all.  I've read animal rights groups that maintain eating meat is murder.  Man is the tyrant species. Killing cows is murder.  And there was one who said that killing chickens is equal to the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis on the Jews.  This kind of idiocy comes because these people really do believe that man is simply the end of an evolutionary series of chance occurrences that has no purpose and has no destiny and is not made in the image of God.  He is not bearing any dignity beyond any other along the line in that evolutionary process.

And you know what?  If evolution is true, you can't argue with them.  We're just animals.  We have just evolved.  And their argument may be pretty valid.  All of these animal rights advocates, writes Marvin Lubenow, who have expressed themselves publicly on the subject, are evolutionists.  According to evolution it's merely the luck of the draw that man has evolved the big brain.  Had certain mutations not happened in our ancestors and instead happened in the ancestors of the chimpanzees we might be where they are, in the zoo, and they might be where we are.  Hence, he writes, "I have no ethical right to use my superiority, achieved purely by chance, to violate the rights of other animals, who through no fault of their own didn't evolve the same abilities."  If man, as he said, is only an animal, an accident of nature, a collection of chance mutations, then where is his meaning?  Where is his dignity?  Where is his absolute value?  What is his purpose?  Obviously he has none.

Now what evolution basically says is that over time, by chance, matter evolved into the entire universe.  Jacques Monod won the, this is unthinkable, the Nobel Prize and in his book Chance and Necessity he says this, "Man is alone in the universe's unfeeling immensity out of which he emerged by chance."  That's the Nobel-winning biologist.  Chance alone is the source of every innovation.  Chance alone is the source of all creation in the biosphere.  He writes, "Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, is at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution."  So Monod says it's just chance.

Noted evolutionist J.W. Burrow writes in his introduction to The Origin of Species, "Nature, according to Darwin, was the product of blind chance and a blind struggle and man, a lonely intelligent mutation, scrambling with the brutes for his sustenance.  To some the sense of loss was irrevocable.  It was as if an umbilical cord had been cut and men found themselves part of a cold, passionless universe.  Unlike nature as conceived by the Greeks, the enlightenment, and the rationalist Christian tradition, Darwinian nature held no clues for human conduct and no answers to human moral dilemmas," end quote.  I mean, man was just cut loose from any meaning whatsoever.  He is a lonely, intelligent mutation, produced out of chance.  He is protoplasm waiting to become manure.  Now, that is a far cry from being created in the image of God.  This evolutionary idea not only strips man of his dignity and his meaning; this is more than just stupid, it is more than irrational, it is more than depressing, it is more than humiliating, it is more even than immoral.  This evolutionary idea is deadly.  And in our history, our recent history in western civilization, no one demonstrated the deadly character of this evolutionary idea better than Adolf Hitler and he was followed up by Joseph Stalin and all of those who massacred masses of people, millions of people, and committed genocide.  At the bottom, at the base of their belief system and philosophy, was evolution.

For example, Hitler saw in evolutionary theory the scientific justification for his personal view just the same as social Darwinists of the nineteenth century did for their terrible abuses.  There's no question that evolution was behind all Nazi thought from beginning to the end.  And yet few people were aware of that, and Hitler even sucked up a quasi-Christian commitment from the church of the state of his day.  Erich Fromm wrote, "The religion of social Darwinism belongs to the most dangerous elements within the thoughts of the last century.  It aids the propagation of ruthless national and racial egoism by establishing it as a moral norm.  If Hitler believed in anything at all, then it was in the laws of evolution, which justified and sanctified his actions and especially his cruelties."  How does that work?  Evolution is the survival of—what?—the fittest.  Hitler was just playing out the evolutionary role.  He was the fittest and so he massacred everybody else, under the evolutionary thesis that he was perpetuating the strongest and he was aiding in the development of the super race.  That was all borne out of evolutionary theory.  In the biological theory of Darwin, Hitler found his most powerful weapon against traditional, against religious and Christian values.  He singled out the idea of biological evolution as the greatest weapon he had against traditional religion, and he repeatedly condemned Christianity for its opposition to evolution.  He hated Christianity.  In fact he said, and I quote Hitler, "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that ever existed."  And Mein KampfMy Struggle, was basically Hitler's evolutionary theory working its way out politically, and was the justification for the destruction of the masses who threatened the continued evolution of the super race.  In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, "He who would live must fight.  He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.  I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.  Nature likes bastards only a little."  And finally he said, "All that is not of pure race in this world is trash."  And so he destroyed the Jews, he destroyed the blacks, he destroyed the Gypsies and he was aiding natural selection and fulfilling the evolutionary biological dream.  The head of the Nazi Labor Front said that Hitler's massacres expressed, and I quote, "The highest and best in manhood."  Julian Huxley, a biologist and evolutionist, wrote Essays of a Humanist in 1964, said, "Evolution is the most powerful, most comprehensive idea that has ever arisen on earth."  And you know what?  He's right.  It is the single, greatest, satanic lie the world has ever known because it eliminates the need for a creator.  People can avoid God altogether, particularly the biblical God.

Darwin didn't care if you wanted to worship another god.  I don't think Hitler cared if you wanted to worship another god, just not the God of the Bible, just not the God who created.  When Darwin first published his Origin of Species it was largely rejected by the scientific world of his day because they universally held to a belief in divine creation.  There was no other rational explanation: You have effect; you have to have a cause.  When he wrote Origin of Species, of course it had critical reviews from the very outset.  The scientific world was almost wholly against it.  In later years, Thomas Huxley, speaking of the year 1860, described the situation by saying, and I quote, "The supporters of Mr. Darwin's views were numerically extremely insignificant.  There is not the slightest doubt that if a general council of the church scientific had been held at that time, we should have been condemned by an overwhelming majority."

It was a hard sell.  Even Darwin had a hard time with it.  If you read anything of Darwin's you find he's continually filling all his writings with tremendous doubts.  For example, he says in the sixth chapter of his Origin of Species, "Long before having arrived at this part of my work, a crowd of difficulties will have occurred to the reader.  Some of them are so grave that to this day I can never reflect on them without being staggered."  In his chapter on instinct he conceded, “Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.”  And to think, he said, that the eye could evolve “by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree."  In his chapter on imperfections in the geological record he complained that the complete lack of fossil intermediates in all geological records was perhaps, quote, "the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory."  In other words, he was at least honest enough to admit that the thing didn't make any sense.

Darwin wrote that he was deeply conscious of his own ignorance.  In his personal letters he wrote about having awful misgivings of having “deluded myself and devoted myself to a fantasy.”  But Darwin was determined to escape from a personal God at all costs.  He said that, "I am determined to escape from design and a personal God at all costs."  To the end of his life he was in that war, trying as he would to escape from God, he never really could.  And finally his emotional life atrophied under the strain of the battle, religious feelings disappeared and with it everything else; the world became cold and dead.  And in the end Darwin apparently received a taste of his own medicine.  He had deprived the universe of God and all meaning and so he had deprived himself of all meaning.

James Moore wrote a biography of Darwin called The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist.  In some of his letters Darwin referred to his theory, quote, as “the devil's gospel."  And even after he had sort of won the day because he did liberate men from the God of the Bible, he did free people to enjoy their sin without the thought of a judge, he had begun to win the battle, but his psychological suffering was so profound, his physical symptoms continued.  He was literally not only killing God for himself but killing God for everybody else.  One writer says, "His life was one long attempt to escape from the church and to escape from God.  It is this that explains so much that would otherwise be incongruous in his life and character."

No, let's just get the record straight here.  This is all about getting rid of God, the God of the Bible, the authority of Scripture with its moral implications.  And even Christian people who want to go to Genesis, I don't believe have the liberty to tell us that Genesis 1 doesn't mean what it says.  Why would we want to join forces with those whose effort is directly against the authority of the God of Scripture?  Just, I just need to put that in perspective.

Now, for a few minutes I want to get a little philosophical.  I think you'll enjoy this.  In the end the evolutionist, the naturalistic evolutionist says, and even the theistic evolutionist says, that things happen by chance, chance.  We get rid of the God of the Bible, we get rid of the God of Genesis, we get rid of the Creator and then we've got chance.  Now this is a pretty interesting thing to think about.  I have read this word chance over and over and over again in reading the writings of these people.  And the myth that drives the whole evolutionary process, this entire unbiblical, irrational, immoral idea of evolution, the myth that drives it is the myth of chance, chance.  Chance is the cause.  In contemporary science, chance takes on new meaning.  They don't want God to be the cause, but something has to be the cause so the cause is chance.

Now when I say the word chance we take it back to its etymology; it once was largely restricted to describing mathematical probability.  Where we could say, "Well, if I go over there there's a chance I might see her because she may be coming this way."  Or, "If I put this money in this account there's a chance this might happen and I'll make this amount of money."  "If I, if I move into that community and begin to meet some people there's a chance there that I might develop some interest in my business."  There's a mathematical probability.  That's what chance basically used to mean.  And then it kind of got broadened a little bit and it took on broader application to include any unpredictable event, any sort of probability no matter how remote or any coincidence no matter how seemingly impossible.  But let me tell you about chance.  Chance doesn't exist.  It’s nothing, it's nothing.  Chance is a word used to explain something else.  But chance isn't anything.  It's not a force.  Chance doesn't make anything happen.  Chance doesn't exist.  It's only a way to explain something else.  Chance didn't make you meet that person; you were going there when she was going there, that's why you met her.  Chance didn't have anything to do with it because chance doesn't exist.  It's nothing.  But in modern evolution, it’s been transformed into a force of causal power.  It's been elevated from being nothing to being everything.  Chance makes things happen.  Chance is the myth that serves to undergird the chaos view of reality.

I mean, this is so fraught with problems from a rational or philosophical viewpoint you hardly know where to begin.  How do you get the initial matter upon which chance operates?  Where does that come?  You would have to say, "Well, chance made it appear."  You know what?  This sounds so ridiculous and yet this is the undergirding philosophy behind evolution.  It is completely incoherent and irrational.  But the new evolutionary paradigm is chance.  And it's the opposite of logic.  You see, when you abandon logic and logic says, "Oh, there's a universe.  Hmm. Somebody made it."  What else would logic say?  "There's a building, somebody made it.  There's a piano, somebody made it.  There's a universe, more complex than a building, infinitely more complex than a piano, somebody, somebody who is very, very powerful and very, very intelligent made it."  You say, "No, no, chance made it."  Listen folks, that's rational suicide, that's not logical.  Logic abandoned leaves you with myth.

And the enemies of mythology, the enemies of mythology are empirical data and God-given reason.  So in order to be an evolutionist and believe that chance makes things happen, you have to do two things: reject the empirical data, and be irrational.  But if you love your sin enough, you'll do it.  You see, if you can just eliminate the empirical data, the evidence, and get rid of God-given logic, and those two things are the essence of pure science, if you can get rid of those things then mythology runs wild.  And as one writer said, "Chance is the new soft pillow for science to lie down on."  Arthur Koestler said, "As long as chance rules, God is an anachronism."  If chance rules, God can't rule.  Chance deposes God.  The very existence of chance rips God from His sovereign throne.  If chance as a force exists even in the frailest form, God is ungoded...if there's such a word.  The two are mutually exclusive. Either there is a God who created the universe, who sovereignly rules and sovereignly controls, or there's not.  If chance exists, it destroys God's sovereignty.  If God is not sovereign, then He's not God.  If He's not God, then there is no God and chance rules.  That's frightening.

But chance is not a force.  Chance can't make anything happen.  Chance isn't anything, it doesn't exist.  It has no power to do anything because it isn't anything.  It’s impotent because it's nothing.  It has no power because it doesn't exist.  Are you getting it?  Since chance doesn't exist, it can't produce anything.  It can't be the cause of any effect.  Yet modern evolutionists talk about chance all the time.  It's just nothing but hocus-pocus.  It's the oldest and most inviolable law of science, logic and reason.  Any of you who ever took debate or studied any of the rational philosophers remember the statement: Ex nihilo, nihil fit; out of nothing, nothing comes.  And chance is nothing.  This is rational suicide.

So when scientists attribute instrumental power to chance, listen carefully, they have left the domain of reason, they have left the domain of science.  They have turned to pulling rabbits out of hats.  They have turned to fantasy.  And then all scientific investigation becomes chaotic and absurd because it can't really yield what it should yield because they won't allow it to.  Today the absurdity of evolution goes largely unchallenged and all these universities and colleges, they keep pounding on this stuff.  Every time I pick up a Newsweek or a Time magazine, I get another one of these wild kind of evolutionary articles, particularly because I read National Geographic I'm exposed to that as well, and they keep trying to make us believe that chance exists as a force.  That everything by chance spontaneously generated.  Nobel laureate George Wald, brilliant man, I quote him, "One has only to wait, time itself performs the miracles.  Given so much time the impossible becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable actually certain," end quote.  What in the world is that?  That is just double talk.  That is absolutely meaningless.  Self-creation is absurd no matter how much time because chance does not exist.  It doesn't exist.

There's no explanation of the universe without God.  I'll give you one little scientific illustration.  Have you ever heard of quantum theory?  Well, you've heard about a quantum leap.  People say, "Somebody made a quantum leap."  Let me tell you where that comes from.  Quantum theory goes back to a scientist, Max Planck, who in 1900 presented the theory that energy comes in discreet units called quanta.  I'm not going to take you too deep here because I can't go too deep myself.  But energy can be broken down into units and he said these units, these units, identifiable units, are called quanta.  In 1927 Werner Heisenberg, a German physicist, found that when a photon strikes an atom it boosts an electron into a higher orbit.  And when that occurs, the electron moves from the lower to the upper orbit, listen to this, simultaneously, without having traversed the intervening space.  That's a quantum leap.  Let me say that again.  When a photon hits an atom it boosts an electron to a higher orbit from the lower orbit simultaneously, but it never traverses the space in between.  What happens is the electron ceases to exist at one point and simultaneously comes into existence at the other point.  This is the famous quantum leap.  It goes out of existence and comes into existence simultaneously.  All the time, all the time, in all the atoms, all the time, through all of created history it keeps doing that.  By chance?  To say it's a quantum leap doesn't explain it.  There's only one thing that explains it and that is the ongoing creative power of God.  He sustains the universe and its creation by keeping up all the necessary creative acts, even down to the level of an electron in an atom.  He upholds all things, Hebrews 1, by the Word of His power.

I'm going to give you one more closing thought here.  Well, I'll tell you what, I'll save it till next time.  I'll save it till next time because I don't want to get into it and then leave you somewhere between the lower and the upper.  Now, I mean, I realize that some of this stuff is stretching your brain, and that's good, that's okay.  We're going to do this one more time next Sunday night and then I'm going to explain how this has implications in the gospel and then we'll get into the actual text of the book of Genesis.  Join me in prayer.

Father, as we contemplate these thoughts, as we endeavor to use the minds that You've given us, which are evidence of the image of God in which we were made, we, we just pray that You would guide us so that we might understand just exactly how we are to think, by using the Scripture and the reason that You've given to us.  Protect us from any thought or any belief that would equivocate with Scripture, that would deny its straightforward statements.  Protect us from any absurdity, any irrationality, any failure to use the minds that You've given us.  And by Your Holy Spirit, prompt us so that we might think as we ought to think.  We grieve, O God, that man has sought to destroy you, sought to eliminate You as the Creator.  Such a dishonor to You is tragic, such a disgrace; to those who do it is tragic and has eternal consequences and we grieve over the lostness of those who believe in evolution.  We grieve over the meaninglessness, the emptiness of life that belongs to those who want to live any way they would like to live without guilt, without responsibility, without having to answer to a judge, without having a standard established for them.  We grieve, Lord, because the consequence of such life, the consequence of such sin is eternal damnation.  We would have no part with those who deny the Word, we would have no part with those who equivocate on Scripture.  But we want to take Your Word as You have given it to us, believing that what You said is exactly what You meant to say.  And so, lead us, Father, as we contemplate these things, to have a strong and a firm foundation in Your Word, to know You as our great Creator as well as our Redeemer.  We'll thank You for the opportunity to know You better as our Creator and thus worship You as You should be worshiped.  And we pray in Christ's name.  Amen.