Dr Pastor Paul Enenche Quotes

  •  Any step taken outside God is a step into disaster

  •  When you have chosen the life of sin, you have sacrificed the presence of God 
  •  When you spend time with God, the things in your life that can take you to hell become exposed, and you have the opportunity to repent of them.
  •  You must know that nothing frustrates your stand with God like the guilt of sin. 
  •  Your sense of self confidence is enhanced by the possession of quality information. learning enhances self-image. 
  •  Every time there is an improvement inside, there will certainly be an improvement outside. 
  • Nothing disarms darkness like light.
  •  Your life of today is a product of your prayer of yesterday and your life of tomorrow is being determined by your prayer today.
  •  The closer you get to God, the more secured your life will be.
  •  What you do not see, you cannot seize. 
  • Life is programmed from the heart....When you lose grip on your heart, you lose grip on your life. 
  •  God does not have a scarcity of blessings; He only has a shortage of faithful people. 
  •  A chest is never built to be empty, in the same way, the Ark of God was not to be empty....when you encounter the presence of God, you are to leave with something.

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